About Us
Because of political and governmental, as well as legal changes in the status of the Republic of Crimea, Olemtech LLC. is the successor of the company that had been producing original products since 1993. The production facilities and equipment have been continuously upgraded for 27 years, which currently allows the manufacturing of high-quality products.
Currently, the equipment of Olemtech Ltd. has GMP status, the production facilities are certified according to HACCP (certificate of production of biologically active additives according to the Russian Federation legislation).
The choice of the product range is based on natural raw materials of the Crimean peninsula and the Black Sea bioresources.
Based on the basic research of the Institute of Biology of Southern Seas. Sevastopol (hereinafter INBSS, founded in 1963), more than 50 years of studying biological resources of the Black Sea, in particular, the study of the Black Sea Katran sharks, reliably scientifically established that the fat shark depends on the type, (there are 3000 species of sharks in the world) from the habitat (deep sea or shallow seas), It has been concluded that the fat of different shark species differs from each other in the composition of fatty acids EPA and DPG, the content of alcoglycerides, the content of vitamins D and E, etc. The fat of the Argentine deep-water shark living in cold waters and the fat of the Black Sea shark Katran produced by ‘Olemtech LLC.’ of the Republic of Crimea differ significantly in a positive way.
The properties of these sharks' fat rank high in the world ratings for composition, quality, and benefits for the human body. Repeated researches and conclusions of different certification centers of Ukraine and Russia confirm the unique status of the biologically active food supplement "BLACK SEA SHARK FAT" in the content of PGE and DHA, alcoglycerides, and other vital components.